My work on foreign aid and international development led me to co-organize an effort to enhance mechanisms of accountability in international economic development advising. This Ford Foundation-funded project, "Building Accountability into International Development Advising in an Age of Diffused Governance" (with Lloyd J. Dumas), builds on two current development agendas: (1) anti-corruption efforts and (2) the reexamination of models of economic advice provided to recipient countries. During the first phase of the project, we held a workshop bringing together recipient officials from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe—now members of our project’s Working Group—to help refine the draft code of ethics and test its usefulness in a variety of countries. We completed a Resource Handbook laying out key issues to serve as a discussion document for international development organizations, officials in developing/transitional countries, consultants and consulting firms, and other interested parties. This Handbook, "Building Accountability into International Development Advising in an Age of Diffused Governance," was submitted to the Ford Foundation in early 2007. We have revised it for publication. "Confronting Corruption, Building Accountability: Lessons From the World of International Development Advising" will be published by Palgrave in 2010.

Read: Project Description.



© Chris Suddick Neiburger

© , Janine Wedel